11:48 - 13:28 09/10/2021
Distance: 3 NM
Duration: 01:39:59
Recorded time: 00:49:56
Idle time: 00:50:02
Average speed: 3 Kt
Top speed: 7 Kt
Device: HMD Global Nokia 6.1
Recorded with Mariner GPS Dashboard
09 Oct 2021
Entry at 11:48
Position: 0°31'4" N, 51°16'25" E
Heading: 132° SE
Elapsed time: 0h 10
Elapsed distance: 0 NM
Engine: On
Elapsed time: 0h 10
Weather: Cloudy
Temperature: 19.5°c (Feels like 19.5°c )
Wind: 1.9Kt / 45° NE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5.4nm
Humidity: 70%
Pressure: 1022 hPa
Notes: Engine stated
Moved to fuel berth in order to top off fuels tanks for the winter lay-up.
Entry at 12:09
Position: 0°31'4" N, 51°16'25" E
Heading: 132° SE
Elapsed time: 0h 37
Elapsed distance: 0.25 NM
Engine: On
Elapsed time: 0h 21
Fuel: 102.66
Weather: Cloudy
Temperature: 19.5°c (Feels like 19.5°c )
Wind: 1.9Kt / 45° NE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5.4nm
Humidity: 70%
Pressure: 1022 hPa
Notes: Departed fuel berth after filling with 102.66 Ltrs of diesel.
Entry at 12:27
Position: 0°31'4" N, 51°16'25" E
Heading: 132° SE
Elapsed time: 0h 37
Elapsed distance: 1.5 NM
Engine: On
Elapsed time: 0h 38
Weather: Cloudy
Temperature: 19.5°c (Feels like 19.5°c )
Wind: 1.9Kt / 45° NE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5.4nm
Humidity: 70%
Pressure: 1022 hPa
Notes: Arrived Fairmeadow, Maidstone.
Engine off.
Entry at 13:06
Position: 0°31'4" N, 51°16'25" E
Heading: 34°
Elapsed time: 1h 16
Elapsed distance: 1.5 NM
Elapsed time:
Weather: Cloudy
Temperature: 19.5°c (Feels like 19.5°c )
Wind: 1.9Kt / 45° NE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5.4nm
Humidity: 70%
Pressure: 1022 hPa
Notes: Departed Fairmeadow and headed back downriver.
Engine on.
Entry at 13:28
Position: 0°30'45" N, 51°17'32" E
Heading: 153° SE
Elapsed time: 1h 40
Elapsed distance: 3 NM
Elapsed time:
Weather: Cloudy
Temperature: 19.5°c (Feels like 19.5°c )
Wind: 1.9Kt / 45° NE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5.4nm
Humidity: 70%
Pressure: 1022 hPa
Notes: Arrived back at our home berth.
Engine off.
Log complete