Saturday, 9 October 2021

9th October 2021 - End Of Season Refuelling Trip To Maidstone

Refuel Trip
11:48 - 13:28 09/10/2021

Distance: 3 NM
Duration: 01:39:59
Recorded time: 00:49:56
Idle time: 00:50:02

Average speed: 3 Kt
Top speed: 7 Kt

Device: HMD Global Nokia 6.1
Recorded with Mariner GPS Dashboard
09 Oct 2021
Entry at 11:48
Position: 0°31'4" N, 51°16'25" E
Heading: 132° SE
Elapsed time: 0h 10
Elapsed distance: 0 NM

Engine: On
Elapsed time: 0h 10

Weather: Cloudy
Temperature: 19.5°c (Feels like 19.5°c )
Wind: 1.9Kt / 45° NE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5.4nm
Humidity: 70%
Pressure: 1022 hPa

Notes: Engine stated
Moved to fuel berth in order to top off fuels tanks for the winter lay-up.
Entry at 12:09
Position: 0°31'4" N, 51°16'25" E
Heading: 132° SE
Elapsed time: 0h 37
Elapsed distance: 0.25 NM

Engine: On
Elapsed time: 0h 21
Fuel: 102.66

Weather: Cloudy
Temperature: 19.5°c (Feels like 19.5°c )
Wind: 1.9Kt / 45° NE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5.4nm
Humidity: 70%
Pressure: 1022 hPa

Notes: Departed fuel berth after filling with 102.66 Ltrs of diesel.
Entry at 12:27
Position: 0°31'4" N, 51°16'25" E
Heading: 132° SE
Elapsed time: 0h 37
Elapsed distance: 1.5 NM

Engine: On
Elapsed time: 0h 38

Weather: Cloudy
Temperature: 19.5°c (Feels like 19.5°c )
Wind: 1.9Kt / 45° NE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5.4nm
Humidity: 70%
Pressure: 1022 hPa

Notes: Arrived Fairmeadow, Maidstone.
Engine off.
Entry at 13:06
Position: 0°31'4" N, 51°16'25" E
Heading: 34°
Elapsed time: 1h 16
Elapsed distance: 1.5 NM

Elapsed time:

Weather: Cloudy
Temperature: 19.5°c (Feels like 19.5°c )
Wind: 1.9Kt / 45° NE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5.4nm
Humidity: 70%
Pressure: 1022 hPa

Notes: Departed Fairmeadow and headed back downriver.
Engine on.
Entry at 13:28
Position: 0°30'45" N, 51°17'32" E
Heading: 153° SE
Elapsed time: 1h 40
Elapsed distance: 3 NM

Elapsed time:

Weather: Cloudy
Temperature: 19.5°c (Feels like 19.5°c )
Wind: 1.9Kt / 45° NE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5.4nm
Humidity: 70%
Pressure: 1022 hPa

Notes: Arrived back at our home berth.
Engine off.
Log complete

Saturday, 18 September 2021

18th September 2021 - River Trip To East Farleigh With Friends

Cruise Data
11:09 - 14:24 18/09/2021

Distance: 7.8 NM
Duration: 03:15:31
Recorded time: 02:37:10
Idle time: 00:38:21
Average speed: 3 Kt
Top speed: 9 Kt

Device: samsung SM-T500
Recorded with Mariner GPS Dashboard
18 Sep 2021
Entry at 11:09
Position: 0°30'45" N, 51°17'32" E
Heading: 222° SW
Elapsed time: 0h 00
Elapsed distance: 0 NM

Engine: On
Elapsed time: 0h 00

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Journey started. 
Departed from Allington Marina on a round trip to East Farleigh and back via Allington Lock with friends. First time boating for them on the Medway.
Entry at 11:57
Position: 0°29'10" N, 51°15'19" E
Heading: 270° W
Elapsed time: 0h 47
Elapsed distance: 3.5 NM

Engine: On
Elapsed time: 0h 48

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Log Notes: River very busy with rowers, canoes, paddle-boarders and other boats. 
Moored at East Farleigh lock while our visitors when to have a look at the lock in action.
Entry at 12:09
Position: 0°29'10" N, 51°15'19" E
Heading: 292° W
Elapsed time: 1h 00
Elapsed distance: 3.5 NM

Engine: On
Elapsed time: 0h 50

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Log Notes: Moored at Lockmeadow, Maidstone for lunch.
Entry at 13:35
Position: 0°31'9" N, 51°16'16" E
Heading: 185° S
Elapsed time: 2h 25
Elapsed distance: 5.4 NM

Engine: On
Elapsed time: 1h 55

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Log Notes: Engine on
Departed Maidstone heading downriver for Allington Lock.
Entry at 14:01
Position: 0°30'19" N, 51°17'44" E
Heading: 169° S
Elapsed time: 2h 51
Elapsed distance: 7.4 NM

Engine: Off
Elapsed time: 2h 21

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Log Notes: Engine off
Moored in Allington Lock cut to enable our visitors to view the flooding of Allington Lock. 
Entry at 14:13
Position: 0°30'19" N, 51°17'44" E
Heading: 178° S
Elapsed time: 3h 03
Elapsed distance: 7.4 NM

Engine: On
Elapsed time: 2h 21

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Notes: Engine on
Entry at 14:14
Position: 0°30'19" N, 51°17'44" E
Heading: 112° E
Elapsed time: 3h 04
Elapsed distance: 7.4 NM

Engine: On
Elapsed time: 2h 22

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Log Notes: Tight turn in the cut rather than back out but managed without a problem, headed back upriver to Allington Marina.
Entry at 14:23
Position: 0°30'45" N, 51°17'32" E
Heading: 32° NE
Elapsed time: 3h 13
Elapsed distance: 7.8 NM

Engine: Off
Elapsed time: 2h 32

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Log Notes: Arrived back in our home berth.  
Cruise complete.
Engine off.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

7th September 2021 - Lunchtime Round Trip To East Farleigh Lock

Departure Port: Allington Marina
Departure Time: 12:07
Departure Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone 
Destination Port: Allington Lock
Destination Arrival Time: 13:43
Destination Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone 

Waypoint 1: Maidstone Fairmeadow
Waypoint 1 Position: A229, Maidstone
Waypoint 1 Stop: 12:25
Waypoint 1 Start: 13:21

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 1:36:00
Trip Distance (nm): 2.9 nm
Total Waypoint Stop Time (h:mm:ss): 56:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 5.21
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 40:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 0.66 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Clear Sky
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 1 Light Air 1-3
Wind Direction: SE
Temperature (c): 29 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1021 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: River Conditions

Crew Names: Ray & Annette +
Cruise Notes: Had to take advantage of a beautiful day and get the boat on the river, what better excuse than to pickup Annette after her morning working in the charity shop. Gentle trip upriver with nothing on the water apart from 'Kevayling'. Moored, single handed, at Maidstone Fairmeadow and had lunch ready as Annette boarded. Following lunch a return gentle cruise downriver, moored in our berth and a cup of tea before home.

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

17th August 2021 - Trip With By Sister To Pickup Annette From Work

Departure Port: Allington Marina
Departure Time: 12:16
Departure Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone
Destination Port: Allington Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 13:52
Destination Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone

Waypoint 1: Maidstone Fairmeadow
Waypoint 1 Position: A229, Maidstone
Waypoint 1 Stop: 12:32
Waypoint 1 Start: 13:11
Waypoint 2: Tovil
Waypoint 2 Location: Clifford Way, Maidstone
Waypoint 2 Stop: 13:21
Waypoint 2 Start: 13:21
Waypoint 3: Allington Lock
Waypoint 3 Location: Lock Ln, Maidstone
Waypoint 3 Stop: 13:45
Waypoint 3 Start: 13:45

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 1:36:00
Trip Distance (nm): 4.7 nm
Total Waypoint Stop Time (h:mm:ss): 39:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 7.89
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 57:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 1 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Heavy Clouds
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 1 Light Air 1-3
Wind Direction: NW
Temperature (c): 17 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1011 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Moderate 2M-5M
Sea State: River Conditions

Crew Names: Ray & Annette + Marion
Cruise Notes: Marion's long awaited cruise on the river as she is staying with us for a week. Decided to use the opportunity to run into Maidstone and collect Annette after she had finished work. Set off from the marina on a very dull, cloudy morning and moored at Fairmeadow where Annette met us. Had lunch onboard before taking a short cruise further up river before turning and heading back to Allington via a trip to Allington Lock.

Sunday, 25 July 2021

24th July 2021 - Lunchtime Cruise With Friends To Maidstone

Departure Port: Allington Marina
Departure Time: 13:29
Departure Port Location: Castle Dene, Maidstone
Destination Port: Allington Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 15:12
Destination Port Location: Castle Dene, Maidstone

Waypoint 1: Maidstone Fairmeadow
Waypoint 1 Position: A229, Maidstone
Waypoint 1 Stop: 13:46
Waypoint 1 Start: 14:53

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 1:43:00
Trip Distance (nm): 2.9 nm
Total Waypoint Stop Time (h:mm:ss): 1:07:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 4.73
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 36:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 0.6 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Heavy Clouds
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 1 Light Air 1-3
Wind Direction: SE
Temperature (c): 24 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1009 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Moderate 2M-5M
Sea State: River Conditions

Crew Names: Ray & Annette + Mike & Annette
Cruise Notes: A lunchtime cruise into Maidstone to give our friends a reminiscent cruise on the river being retired boat owners themselves. Quite on the river due to stormy weather in the morning. A pleasant trip with old boating friends.

Sunday, 18 July 2021

17th July 2021 - Back To Back Tidal Trip To Stangate Creek

Departure Port: Allington Marina
Departure Time: 07:18
Departure Port Location: Gibraltar Ln, Maidstone, UK
Destination Port: Allington Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 18:00
Destination Port Location: Gibraltar Ln, Maidstone, UK

Location HW: Allington Lock
High Water: 19:10
Location LW: Rochester
Low Water: 12:20

Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 6:08:00
Total Waypoint Stop Time (h:mm:ss): 4:34:00
Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 10:42:00
Trip Distance (nm): 41.8 nm
Fuel Added: 0 L
Fuel Usage (litres): 45.98
Engine Hours (Decimal): 6.13 h

Waypoint 1: Allington Lock
Waypoint 1 Position: Castle Road, Maidstone
Waypoint 1 Stop: 07:27
Waypoint 1 Start: 07:46
Waypoint 2: Port Medway
Waypoint 2 Location: Hoop Doet Leven Brambletree Wharf, Wouldham Rd, Rochester
Waypoint 2 Stop: 08:57
Waypoint 2 Start: 10:25
Waypoint 3: Stangate Creek
Waypoint 3 Location: 51.4056219, 0.6939559
Waypoint 3 Stop: 12:12
Waypoint 3 Start: 13:46
Waypoint 4: Port Medway
Waypoint 4 Location: Hoop Doet Leven Brambletree Wharf, Wouldham Rd, Rochester
Waypoint 4 Stop: 15:30
Waypoint 4 Start: 16:30
Waypoint 5: Allington Lock
Waypoint 5 Location: Castle Road, Maidstone
Waypoint 5 Stop: 17:40
Waypoint 5 Start: 17:53

Sky State: Clear Sky
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 3 Gentle Breeze 7-10
Wind Direction: NE, E
Temperature (c): 26 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1030 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: Slight 0.5-1.25m, River Conditions

Crew Names: Ray & Annette +
Cruise Notes: With two perfect tides it was to good to miss a chance of a full days run from Allington to Standard Creek out in the Medway Estuary. Departed early and locked through Allington Lock into the tidal Medway. A beautiful morning cruise with our first port of call to our friends on 'Odd Daisy B' at Port Medway Marina for breakfast, rafted up safely and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast with them before setting off once more heading out into the estuary, steady cruise at 1400rpm with not many other vessels about. Arrived at Stangate Creek and laid and set our anchor then lunch, on a very sunny, hot day. After lunch we lifted the anchor and commenced our return journey upriver back to Allington. Many more sailing vessels about during the afternoon which meant keeping a keen lookout for sailing yachts tacking in front of us, all good fun. Passing through Rochester we called up 'Odd Daisy B' again as we had been offered afternoon tea as well. Again rafted safely beside her while we enjoyed a cup of tea. At 16:30 we set off for Allington lock with an incoming tide and made good time, arriving at Allington Lock with plenty of water beneath us. Passed through the lock then a short trip to our home berth in Allington Marina. A great day out with one of the longest single day trips in the log book.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

16th June 2021


Departure Port: Allington Marina
Departure Time: 14:47
Departure Port Location: Castle Dene, Maidstone
Waypoint 1: Maidstone Fairmeadow
Waypoint 1 Position: St Peter's St, Maidstone
Waypoint 1 Stop: 15:14
Waypoint 1 Start: 16:28
Destination Port: Allington Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 16:55
Destination Port Location: Castle Dene, Maidstone
Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 2:08:00
Trip Distance (nm): 3.7 nm
Total Waypoint Stop Time (h:mm:ss): 1:14:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 7.89
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 54:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 1 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Light Clouds
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 2 Light Breeze 4-6
Wind Direction: SW
Temperature (c): 28 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1011 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: River Conditions

Crew Names: Ray & Annette + Cymantha & Stewart
Cruise Notes: A very special cruise trip into Maidstone to ferry Cymantha and Stewart to afternoon tea at Lockmeadow, a thank you trip for their support during the last couple of months. Trip upriver marred by a stupid stunt by two idiots who decided to drop from Millennium Park bridge directly in front of us. Police informed and left them to deal with it.

On receiving the call that afternoon tea was finished we left Fairmeadow headed to Lockmeadow and collected our passengers then headed back to the marina, passing a very subdued group of youngsters still by Millennium bridge.

Monday, 31 May 2021

31st May 2021

Departure Port: Allington Marina
Departure Time: 11:02
Departure Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone
Waypoint 1: Maidstone Lock Meadow
Waypoint 1 Position: Undercliffe Boathouse, Bishops Way, Maidstone
Waypoint 1 Stop: 11:30
Waypoint 1 Start: 12:39
Destination Port: Allington Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 13:01
Destination Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 1:59:00
Trip Distance (nm): 3.3 nm
Total Waypoint Stop Time (h:mm:ss): 1:09:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 7.89
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 50:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 1 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Clear Sky
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 1 Light Air 1-3
Wind Direction: E
Temperature (c): 25 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1019 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: River Conditions

Crew Names: Ray & Annette + Amie, Danny & Louis
Cruise Notes: A very special short cruise into Maidstone today carrying our new crew member, Louis, our great grandson, on his first boat trip. A busy river today with lots of crafts of all shapes and sizes. Being the first good day this year it was great to be on the water. Moored in Maidstone so that Louis could have his lunch then back to the marina for the grown ups to have theirs.

Sunday, 30 May 2021

30th May 2021


Departure Port: Allington Marina
Departure Time: 11:40
Departure Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone
Waypoint 1: Malta Inn
Waypoint 1 Position: Lock Ln, Maidstone
Waypoint 1 Stop: 11:45
Waypoint 1 Start: 11:45
Waypoint 2: Maidstone Fairmeadow
Waypoint 2 Location: St Peter's St, Maidstone
Waypoint 2 Stop: 12:02
Waypoint 2 Start: 13:16
Destination Port: Allington Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 13:38
Destination Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 1:58:00
Trip Distance (nm): 3.4 nm
Total Waypoint Stop Time (h:mm:ss): 1:14:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 7.89
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 44:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 1 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Clear Sky
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts):
3 Gentle Breeze 7-10
Wind Direction: NE
Temperature (c): 16 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1022 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: River Conditions

Crew Names: Ray & Annette
Cruise Notes: Short lunch cruise to Maidstone, first via the Malta Inn where we turned without mooring. Headed upriver to Maidstone Fairmeadow and moored up for lunch. Having had lunch headed back to the marina to enjoy a sunny afternoon.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

5th May 2021

Departure Port: Allington Marina
Departure Time: 14:56
Departure Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone
Waypoint 1: Tovil Bridge
Waypoint 1 Position: 22 Millers Wharf, Maidstone
Waypoint 1 Stop: 15:23
Waypoint 1 Start: 15:23
Destination Port: Allington Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 15:54
Destination Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 58:00
Trip Distance (nm): 4.6 nm
Total Waypoint Stop Time (h:mm:ss): 00:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 7.89
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 58:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 1 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Partly Cloudy
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 2 Light Breeze 4-6
Wind Direction: NE
Temperature (c): 13 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1004 bar
Sea State: River Conditions

Crew Names: Ray & Annette + Andy & Anita
Cruise Notes: After not seeing our friends since before Christmas 2020 we finally met up for afternoon tea on the boat. As Andy & Anita have their boat on the tidal waters at Medway Bridge we took them on a short trip up to Tovil and back. On arrival back at the marina we located Kevayling in her new permanent mooring by the old slipway. Wonderful afternoon seeing our good friends once again.

Saturday, 24 April 2021

24th April 2021

Departure Port: Allington Marina
Departure Time: 11:12
Departure Port Location: Castle Dene, Maidstone
Waypoint 1: East Farleigh Lock
Waypoint 1 Position: East Farleigh Bridge, Farleigh Ln, East Farleigh
Waypoint 1 Stop: 12:00
Waypoint 1 Start: 12:00
Destination Port: Allington Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 12:47
Destination Port Location: Castle Dene, Maidstone

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 1:35:00
Trip Distance (nm): 7.5 nmi
Total Waypoint Stop Time (h:mm:ss): 00:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 12.47
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 1:35:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 1.58 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Clear Sky
Preciptation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 3 Gentle Breeze 7-10
Wind Direction: NE
Temperature (c): 15 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1021 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: River Conditions

Crew Names: Ray & Annette
Cruise Notes: Morning cruise upriver to East Farleigh Lock via Allington Lock first. Plenty of other river activity about due to the fine weather. Having reached East Farleigh we turned without mooring and headed back to Allington in time for lunch. Probably the first of many short river trips this year.

Monday, 29 March 2021

29th March 2021

Departure Port: Allington Marina
Departure Time: 11:37
Departure Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone UK
Waypoint 1: Tovil Bridge
Waypoint 1 Position: Millers Wharf, Maidstone UK
Waypoint 1 Stop: 12:04
Waypoint 1 Start: 12:04
Destination Port: Allington Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 12:46
Destination Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone UK

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 1:09:00
Trip Distance (nm): 4.7 nm
Total Waypoint Stop Time (h:mm:ss): 00:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 9.07
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 1:09:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 1.15 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Clear Sky
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 3 Gentle Breeze 7-10
Wind Direction: W
Temperature (c): 16 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1021 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: River Conditions

Crew Names: Ray & Annette
Cruise Notes: A beautiful day with bright, warm sunshine, what a day to going boating. So we took the opportunity of starting up 'Kevayling' and going for the first cruise of 2021. A short trip upriver to Tovil and then an about turn and headed back. Not a long trip but so good to be back on the water.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

18th March 2021

Departure Port: Allington Marina
Departure Time: 09:35
Departure Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone 
Destination Port: Allington Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 09:55
Destination Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone 

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 20:00
Trip Distance (nm): 0 nmi
Fuel Usage (litres): 2.6
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 20:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 0.33 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Heavy Clouds
Preciptation: Light Rain
Temperature (c): 8 ℃
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: Rippled 0.1m

Crew Names: Ray
Cruise Notes: De-winterised the boat in preparation for the new 2021 season. Oil and water levels checked. Chemical toilet brought back into operation and fresh water tank filled to 50% with added sterilisation tablets.

Engines both started on first turn of the keys and ran for 20 minutes.