View Track:
Departure Port: Chatham Marina
Departure Time: 14:05
Departure Port Location: 51.4040439, 0.5333317
Destination Port: Allington Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 16:10
Destination Port Location:
Castle Rd, Allington, Maidstone ME16 0NH, UK
High Water At Destination: 17:17
Sky State: Cloudy
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 4 Moderate Breeze 11-16
Wind Direction: SW
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: Smooth 0.1-0.5m
Temperature (c): 16
Pressure (mb): 1020
Engine Hours: 2
Trip Distance (nm): 12.3
Total Trip Time (hrs): 2.08
Total Trip Time (mins): 125
Fuel Usage (litres): 15.78
Fuel Added: 0 L
Crew Names: Ray & Annette + Amie & Danny
Cruise Notes: It's that time of year again to take Kevayling upriver to Allington Marina for her annual service. Departed from Chatham into a wind against tide water which settled after Cuxton. Heavy debris further upriver which was treated with caution and slow speed, ably spotted by our additional crew for the day. Arrived at Allington safely and moored up awaiting lift out on Monday.
Departure Port: Chatham Marina
Departure Time: 14:05
Departure Port Location: 51.4040439, 0.5333317
Destination Port: Allington Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 16:10
Destination Port Location:
Castle Rd, Allington, Maidstone ME16 0NH, UK
High Water At Destination: 17:17
Sky State: Cloudy
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 4 Moderate Breeze 11-16
Wind Direction: SW
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: Smooth 0.1-0.5m
Temperature (c): 16
Pressure (mb): 1020
Engine Hours: 2
Trip Distance (nm): 12.3
Total Trip Time (hrs): 2.08
Total Trip Time (mins): 125
Fuel Usage (litres): 15.78
Fuel Added: 0 L
Crew Names: Ray & Annette + Amie & Danny
Cruise Notes: It's that time of year again to take Kevayling upriver to Allington Marina for her annual service. Departed from Chatham into a wind against tide water which settled after Cuxton. Heavy debris further upriver which was treated with caution and slow speed, ably spotted by our additional crew for the day. Arrived at Allington safely and moored up awaiting lift out on Monday.
Briefing our new crew before departure.
Looks like the crew enjoyed the trip.