Departure Time: 13:29
Departure Port Location: Castle Dene, Maidstone
Destination Port: Allington Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 15:12
Destination Port Location: Castle Dene, Maidstone
Waypoint 1: Maidstone Fairmeadow
Waypoint 1 Position: A229, Maidstone
Waypoint 1 Stop: 13:46
Waypoint 1 Start: 14:53
Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 1:43:00
Trip Distance (nm): 2.9 nm
Total Waypoint Stop Time (h:mm:ss): 1:07:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 4.73
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 36:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 0.6 h
Fuel Added: 0 L
Sky State: Heavy Clouds
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 1 Light Air 1-3
Wind Direction: SE
Temperature (c): 24 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1009 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Moderate 2M-5M
Sea State: River Conditions
Crew Names: Ray & Annette + Mike & Annette
Cruise Notes: A lunchtime cruise into Maidstone to give our friends a reminiscent cruise on the river being retired boat owners themselves. Quite on the river due to stormy weather in the morning. A pleasant trip with old boating friends.