Saturday, 18 September 2021

18th September 2021 - River Trip To East Farleigh With Friends

Cruise Data
11:09 - 14:24 18/09/2021

Distance: 7.8 NM
Duration: 03:15:31
Recorded time: 02:37:10
Idle time: 00:38:21
Average speed: 3 Kt
Top speed: 9 Kt

Device: samsung SM-T500
Recorded with Mariner GPS Dashboard
18 Sep 2021
Entry at 11:09
Position: 0°30'45" N, 51°17'32" E
Heading: 222° SW
Elapsed time: 0h 00
Elapsed distance: 0 NM

Engine: On
Elapsed time: 0h 00

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Journey started. 
Departed from Allington Marina on a round trip to East Farleigh and back via Allington Lock with friends. First time boating for them on the Medway.
Entry at 11:57
Position: 0°29'10" N, 51°15'19" E
Heading: 270° W
Elapsed time: 0h 47
Elapsed distance: 3.5 NM

Engine: On
Elapsed time: 0h 48

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Log Notes: River very busy with rowers, canoes, paddle-boarders and other boats. 
Moored at East Farleigh lock while our visitors when to have a look at the lock in action.
Entry at 12:09
Position: 0°29'10" N, 51°15'19" E
Heading: 292° W
Elapsed time: 1h 00
Elapsed distance: 3.5 NM

Engine: On
Elapsed time: 0h 50

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Log Notes: Moored at Lockmeadow, Maidstone for lunch.
Entry at 13:35
Position: 0°31'9" N, 51°16'16" E
Heading: 185° S
Elapsed time: 2h 25
Elapsed distance: 5.4 NM

Engine: On
Elapsed time: 1h 55

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Log Notes: Engine on
Departed Maidstone heading downriver for Allington Lock.
Entry at 14:01
Position: 0°30'19" N, 51°17'44" E
Heading: 169° S
Elapsed time: 2h 51
Elapsed distance: 7.4 NM

Engine: Off
Elapsed time: 2h 21

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Log Notes: Engine off
Moored in Allington Lock cut to enable our visitors to view the flooding of Allington Lock. 
Entry at 14:13
Position: 0°30'19" N, 51°17'44" E
Heading: 178° S
Elapsed time: 3h 03
Elapsed distance: 7.4 NM

Engine: On
Elapsed time: 2h 21

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Notes: Engine on
Entry at 14:14
Position: 0°30'19" N, 51°17'44" E
Heading: 112° E
Elapsed time: 3h 04
Elapsed distance: 7.4 NM

Engine: On
Elapsed time: 2h 22

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Log Notes: Tight turn in the cut rather than back out but managed without a problem, headed back upriver to Allington Marina.
Entry at 14:23
Position: 0°30'45" N, 51°17'32" E
Heading: 32° NE
Elapsed time: 3h 13
Elapsed distance: 7.8 NM

Engine: Off
Elapsed time: 2h 32

Weather: Overcast clouds
Temperature: 21.7 °C (Feels like 21.5 °C)
Wind: 3.5 Kt / 143° SE
Cloud coverage: 100%
Visibility: 5 NM
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 1011 hPa

Log Notes: Arrived back in our home berth.  
Cruise complete.
Engine off.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

7th September 2021 - Lunchtime Round Trip To East Farleigh Lock

Departure Port: Allington Marina
Departure Time: 12:07
Departure Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone 
Destination Port: Allington Lock
Destination Arrival Time: 13:43
Destination Port Location: Castle Road, Maidstone 

Waypoint 1: Maidstone Fairmeadow
Waypoint 1 Position: A229, Maidstone
Waypoint 1 Stop: 12:25
Waypoint 1 Start: 13:21

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 1:36:00
Trip Distance (nm): 2.9 nm
Total Waypoint Stop Time (h:mm:ss): 56:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 5.21
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 40:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 0.66 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Clear Sky
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 1 Light Air 1-3
Wind Direction: SE
Temperature (c): 29 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1021 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: River Conditions

Crew Names: Ray & Annette +
Cruise Notes: Had to take advantage of a beautiful day and get the boat on the river, what better excuse than to pickup Annette after her morning working in the charity shop. Gentle trip upriver with nothing on the water apart from 'Kevayling'. Moored, single handed, at Maidstone Fairmeadow and had lunch ready as Annette boarded. Following lunch a return gentle cruise downriver, moored in our berth and a cup of tea before home.