Wednesday 31 July 2019

31st July 2019

Departure Port: Allington Marina
Departure Time: 11:48
Departure Port Location: Gibraltar Ln, Maidstone
Waypoint 1: Allington Lock
Waypoint 1 Position: The Boathouse, Allington Lock, Castle Road, Maidstone 
Waypoint 1 Stop: 12:02 
Waypoint 1 Start: 12:16 
Destination Port: Chatham Marina 
Destination Arrival Time: 14:11 
Destination Port Location: 187 Leviathan Way, Chatham
High Water At Destination: 13:04

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 2:23:00
Trip Distance (nm): 12.7
Total Waypoint Stop Time: 14:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 16.96
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 2:09:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 2.15 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Heavy Clouds
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 4 Moderate Breeze 11-16
Wind Direction: SW
Temperature (c): 19
Pressure (mb): 1013 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: Smooth 0.1-0.5m

Crew Names: Ray  + Andy & Anita
Cruise Notes: Return Kevayling to her home berth at Chatham Marina after four days upriver. Loads of debris in the river following a recent storm which made the first few miles somewhat difficult. Hard run against the tide in windy conditions but a safe entry in Chatham Marina none the less. Greeted in the lock by Annette.

Meter Reading: 540 Units

Waiting To Pass Through Allington Lock.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

30th July 2019

Departure Port: Allington Marina
Departure Time: 08:20
Departure Port Location: 27 Castle Dene, Maidstone 
Waypoint 1: Tovil
Waypoint 1 Position: Bridge Industrial Centre, Wharf Rd, Maidstone  
Waypoint 1 Stop: 08:50 
Waypoint 1 Start: 09:20 
Waypoint 2 Location: Medway Footpath, Maidstone ME16 8GE
Waypoint 2 Stop: 09:45
Waypoint 2 Start: 11:16
Destination Port: Allington Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 11:57
Destination Port Location: 27 Castle Dene, Maidstone 

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 3:37:00
Trip Distance (nm): 7.3
Total Waypoint Stop Time: 2:01:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 12.62
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 1:36:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 1.6 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Partly Cloudy
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 5 Fresh Breeze 17-21
Wind Direction: S
Temperature (c): 19 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1005 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: Rippled 0.1m

Crew Names:
Ray + Simon Elliott, Hugh Dennis, Cloe + 5 TV Film Crew Cruise Notes:
TV Filming Day - We had been asked to use Kevayling in filming an up and coming TV program, which is why we brought her to the upper Medway this week. I departed from Allington and headed to Tovil to pick up the film crew and presenters of the program (one of which was Hugh Dennis, a well known actor). Having got all onboard we spent the next couple of hours stopping, starting, turning about and repeat cruise passes a site on the river. Finally disembarking at East Farleigh lock.

A great day, a great crew and much fun!

Meter Reading: 540 Units

Monday 29 July 2019

29th July 2019

Departure Port: Allington Marina
Departure Port Location: 27 Castle Road, Maidstone
Departure Time: 11:33
Waypoint 1: Maidstone Lock Meadow
Waypoint 1 Stop: 12:25
Waypoint 1 Start: 13:45
Destination Port: Allington Marina
Destination Port Location: 27 Castle Road, Maidstone
Destination Arrival Time: 14:27

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 2:54:00
Trip Distance (nm): 7.5
Total Waypoint Stop Time: 1:20:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 12.31
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 1:34:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 1.56 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Light Clouds
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 2 Light Breeze 4-6
Wind Direction: SE
Temperature (c): 25
Pressure (mb): 1008 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: Rippled 0.1m

Crew Names:
Ray & Annette + Megan, Noah & Matilda
Cruise Notes: Took the grandchildren on their first river trip up the non-tidal Medway to East Farleigh lock, where we turned without stopping. Moored at Maidstone for a sausage & chips lunch before Cruising down to Allington Lock where we turned again and headed back to Allington Marina. Cleaned the boat ready for filming tomorrow followed by tea & biscuits. Lovely day trip with each one of them taking turns on the helm.

Meter Reading: 540 Units

Sunday 28 July 2019

28th July 2019

Departure Port: Rochester
Departure Time: 08:12
Departure Port Location: 51.3901090, 0.4981506
Waypoint 1: Allington Lock
Waypoint 1 Position: Castle Road, Maidstone 
Waypoint 1 Stop: 09:30 
Waypoint 1 Start: 10:00 
Destination Port: Allington Marina Destination 
Arrival Time: 10:14 
Destination Port Location: Gibraltar Ln, Maidstone, UK
High Water At Destination: 10:40

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 2:02:00
Trip Distance (nm): 9.9
Total Waypoint Stop Time: 30:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 12.07
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 1:32:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 1.53 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Heavy Clouds
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 4 Moderate Breeze 11-16
Wind Direction: NE
Temperature (c): 18 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1005 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Moderate 2M-5M
Sea State: Smooth 0.1-0.5m

Crew Names: Ray & Annette +
Cruise Notes: Day 2 - Taking Kevayling from Rochester Cruising Club upriver to Allington Marina, which will be our base while on the upper Medway. Dull, overcast morning but little wind which meant for a smooth passage upriver to Allington Lock, where we had to wait for vessels passing through the lock from the Medway Boat Festival. Arrived at Allington Marina where we were allocated a berth for our stay. Back with old friends.

Meter Reading: 540 Units

Saturday 27 July 2019

27th July 2019

Departure Port: Chatham Marina
Departure Time: 17:04
Departure Port Location: 187 Leviathan Way, Chatham 
Destination Port: Rochester
Destination Arrival Time: 17:39
Destination Port Location: Esplanade, Rochester, UK
Low Water At Destination: 15:50

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 35:00
Trip Distance (nm): 2.7
Total Waypoint Stop Time: 00:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 4.58
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 35:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 0.58 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Heavy Clouds
Precipitation: Rain
Wind Speed (kts): 3 Gentle Breeze 7-10
Wind Direction: NE
Temperature (c): 17
Pressure (mb): 1005 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Moderate 2M-5M
Sea State: Smooth 0.1-0.5m

Crew Names: Ray & Annette +
Cruise Notes: First part of the planned 5 day trip upriver in which Kevayling will be filmed for a future TV program. Day one, moved the boat to Rochester for an overnight stay ready for an early start tomorrow. Weather awful after one of the hottest days on record.

Meter Reading: 540 Units

Sunday 21 July 2019

21st July 2019

Departure Port: Chatham Marina
Departure Time: 12:19
Departure Port Location: 187 Leviathan Way, Chatham
Waypoint 1: Rochester Cruising Club
Waypoint 1 Position: 10 Esplanade, Rochester
Waypoint 1 Stop: 12:37
Waypoint 1 Start: 15:37
Total Waypoint Stop Time: 3:00:00
Destination Port: Chatham Marina Destination
Arrival Time: 16:17
Destination Port Location: 187 Leviathan Way, Chatham
Tides High Water At Destination: 16:24
Low Water At Destination: 10:18

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 3:58:00
Trip Distance (nm): 5.7
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 58:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 7.57
Engine Hours (Decimal): 0.96 h
Fuel Added: 0 L

Sky State: Cloudy
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 3 Gentle Breeze 7-10
Wind Direction: SW
Temperature (c): 20 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1021 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: Rippled 0.1m

Crew Names: Ray & Annette + Andy, Anita, Natalie, Ali & Leo
Cruise Notes: Lunchtime short cruise to Rochester Cruising Club for roast Sunday lunch. Opportunity to show Ali & Nat the club house as they are wishing to join in the near future. Lovely little trip, great lunch, all round good day

Meter Reading: 540 Units