Tuesday 2 June 2020

2nd June 2020

Departure Port: Chatham Marina
Departure Time: 09:19
Departure Port Location: 187 Leviathan Way, Chatham
Waypoint 1: Port Medway Marina
Waypoint 1: Position: Hoop Doet Leven Brambletree Wharf, Wouldham Rd, Rochester
Waypoint 1: Stop: 10:05
Waypoint 1: Start: 11:27
Destination Port: Chatham Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 11:57
Destination Port Location: 187 Leviathan Way, Chatham
High Water At Destination: 10:30

Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 2:38:00
Trip Distance (nm): 8.8 nmi
Total Waypoint Stop Time (h:mm:ss): 1:22:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 10.49
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 1:16:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 1.25 h

Sky State: Clear Sky
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 2 Light Breeze 4-6
Wind Direction: N
Temperature (c): 22 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1021 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: Rippled 0.1m

Crew Names: Ray & Annette
Cruise Notes: Early lock out to enable us to run upriver to Port Medway Marina to visit our friends on Odd Daisy B. Beautiful run out on a bright sunny morning, set throttles to 1000 rpm and cruised at 7 knots all the way. Moored astern of Odd Daisy B and boarded for coffee and a chat, Odd Daisy B being large enough to still abide by the 2m rule.

Following a lovely get together we departed for an equally smooth run back to Chatham on the ebbing tide.

Meter Reading: 562 Units

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