Departure Port: Chatham Marina
Departure Time: 11:07
Departure Port Location: 187 Leviathan Way, Chatham
Waypoint 1: Keyhole Reach
Waypoint 1 Position: Upchurch, UK
Waypoint 1 Stop: 12:00
Waypoint 1 Start: 12:00
Waypoint 2: Chatham Visitors
Waypoint 2 Location: Montague Place, Quayside, Chatham
Waypoint 2 Stop: 13:04
Waypoint 2 Start: 13:50
Waypoint 3: Rochester
Waypoint 3 Location: Hathaway Ct, Esplanade, Rochester
Waypoint 3 Stop: 14:15
Waypoint 3 Start: 14:15
Total Waypoint Stop Time: 46:00
Destination Port: Chatham Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 15:00
Destination Port Location: 187 Leviathan Way, Chatham
High Water At Destination: 17:49
Low Water At Destination: 11:20
Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 3:53:00
Trip Distance (nm): 18.7
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 3:07:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 24.54
Engine Hours (Decimal): 3.11 h
Fuel Added: 0 L
Sky State: Partly Cloudy
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 4 Moderate Breeze 11-16
Temperature (c): 18 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1015 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: Smooth 0.1-0.5m
Crew Names: Ray & Annette + Amie, Danny, Glen & Zoe
Cruise Notes: Short cruise out to run up the engines and wash off sea weed built up around trim tabs. Departed from Chatham and worked our way through the many sailing yachts out on the Medway Regatta. The girls decided to sunbath on the bow but on turning at Keyhole Reach the change of tide, wind and direction soon forced them back to the wheelhouse (watch the video below). Moored back to Chatham for lunch then up the Rochester before returning to Chatham, by this time windy, heavy cloud and choppy water.
Meter Reading: 538 Units