Departure Port: Chatham Marina
Departure Time: 10:10
Departure Port Location: 187 Leviathan Way, Chatham
Waypoint 1: Fuel Berth
Waypoint 1 Stop: 10:13
Waypoint 1 Start: 10:22
Destination Port: Chatham Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 10:35
Destination Port Location: 187 Leviathan Way, Chatham
Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 25:00
Trip Distance (nm): 0.5
Total Waypoint Stop Time (h:mm:ss): 09:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 1.97
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 16:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 0.25 h
Fuel Added: 30.04 L
Sky State: Light Clouds
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 1 Light Air 1-3
Wind Direction: W
Temperature (c): 6 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1000 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: Rippled 0.1m
Crew Names: Ray & Andy
Cruise Notes: Refueling trip, topped up fuel tanks and added diesel bug killer. Now all work completed for the coming winter months. Before returning to our berth we took a slow run around the marina to warm the engines and check them out.
Meter Reading: 547 Units
Departure Port Location: 187 Leviathan Way, Chatham
Waypoint 1: Fuel Berth
Waypoint 1 Stop: 10:13
Waypoint 1 Start: 10:22
Destination Port: Chatham Marina
Destination Arrival Time: 10:35
Destination Port Location: 187 Leviathan Way, Chatham
Total Trip Time (h:mm:ss): 25:00
Trip Distance (nm): 0.5
Total Waypoint Stop Time (h:mm:ss): 09:00
Fuel Usage (litres): 1.97
Trip Engine Hours (h:mm:ss): 16:00
Engine Hours (Decimal): 0.25 h
Fuel Added: 30.04 L
Sky State: Light Clouds
Precipitation: Dry
Wind Speed (kts): 1 Light Air 1-3
Wind Direction: W
Temperature (c): 6 ℃
Pressure (mb): 1000 bar
Visibility (metre/Miles): Good >5M
Sea State: Rippled 0.1m
Crew Names: Ray & Andy
Cruise Notes: Refueling trip, topped up fuel tanks and added diesel bug killer. Now all work completed for the coming winter months. Before returning to our berth we took a slow run around the marina to warm the engines and check them out.
Meter Reading: 547 Units